Subject: Re: [MTT users] Invalid mpi install id while reporting MTT
From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-06-21 06:48:53

Greetings Abhishek.

You sent me your INI file in another email thread.

In general, you need to run all the 5 phases. During the MPI install, for example, even if you have an "already installed" MPI (i.e., using the MPI Get module "AlreadyInstalled"), you still have to run that phase so that a) the appropriate data structures are created in MTT, and b) the MTT client registers the result of that "install" with the server (and gets an ID back from the server).

Specifically: even though the MPI install step may effectively be a no-op (because you're using an MPI that is already installed), MTT still needs to report back the "success" of the MPI install step to the server so that it can get an MPI Install ID back from the server to use with subsequent phases. That's essentially what the AlreadyInstalled module does.

That being said, I have a few suggestions about the .ini file you sent me:

- I see you're using the OMPI_Snapshot MPI Get module. That's fine (and that's what we all do for nightly testing). But I thought you said you were using your own sources...? That's why I mentioned the AlreadyInstalled module, above.

- ...ah, perhaps you meant that you were using your own sources via the http://localhost/... URL you provided via the ompi_snapshot_url? I'm assuming that this is just for testing purposes, and you'll replace it with the real nightly URL, later.

- Note that in the MPI install section, the templated supplies "-j 32" as "make" arguments. This does a 32-way parallel build. This is probably only recommended for 16-core machines (or more). My point: adjust that -j value to suit your local machine.

- Do you only care about testing the TCP BTL? The MPI Details section contains the "mca" value, which is currently only set to test the TCP transport for MPI.

- I see you encoded the github password for the ompi-tests repo in your .ini file. This is fine, but as you probably figured out, but the drawback is that you can't email your .ini file to a public list (e.g., this one) for discussion. If you care, as an alternative, I *think* you can stash this git username/password on your local filesystem, instead.

- Similar to the above, I see your MTT database password in your .ini file. FWIW, I keep my Cisco MTT database password in a separate file on the filesystem, and access it in my .ini file like this:

mttdatabase_password = &stringify(&cat("/home/mpiteam/mtt-db-password.txt"))

This allows me to save my MTT .ini file in git / share it with others, and not compromise my password.

> On Jun 20, 2016, at 2:28 PM, Abhishek Joshi <abhishek.joshi_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> While trying to submit results for MTT , I get the following error:
> Invalid mpi_install_id () given. (Not provided).
> I am using the following cmd:
> ./client/mtt --trial --file ./ompi-core-template.ini_sample --print-time
> Also, I am using a custom build, i.e MPI sources are my own.
> --
> Abhishek
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Jeff Squyres
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