From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-10-01 12:06:24

When I did the Analyze modules for AlreadyInstalled, each MPI was
*slightly* different, so I didn't make a unified one. But it is
possible that we could think a little harder and make it happen (I
was a bit constrained for time when I did it...).

On Sep 28, 2007, at 8:23 PM, Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic wrote:

> Yay! It worked :)
> Thank you all:)
> Jelena
> On Fri, 28 Sep 2007, Mohamad Chaarawi wrote:
>> Actually this is exactly the problem... i fought with MVAPICH2 for a
>> while, until i figured out that there is not really a module for
>> But if u use any of the others (except OMPI) as tim mentioned, it
>> will
>> work..
>> Tim Mattox wrote:
>>> This might also be a problem:
>>>> [MPI install: MPICH-MX]
>>>> mpi_get = mpich-mx
>>>> module = MPICH2
>>> As far as I can tell, the install module should be something like
>>> this:
>>> module = Analyze::MPICH
>>> But there isn't an MPICH module for that yet... there are ones
>>> for OMPI,
>>> CrayMPI, HPMPI and IntelMPI.
>>> The Analyze::OMPI module won't work, since it will try to use
>>> ompi_info...
>>> so you can lie and say it's one of the others, or... I'm trying
>>> my own hacked
>>> Analyze::MPICH module to see if I understand how this works.
>>> On 9/28/07, Ethan Mallove <ethan.mallove_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jelena,
>>>> Change this line:
>>>> alreadyinstalled_dir = /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>> To this:
>>>> alreadyinstalled_dir = /usr/local/mpich-mx
>>>> Does that work?
>>>> -Ethan
>>>> On Thu, Sep/27/2007 10:46:55PM, Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to test the MPICH-MX using MTT on our clusters and
>>>>> I am hitting
>>>>> the wall.
>>>>> I was able to get Open MPI to run (did not try trunk yet - but
>>>>> nightly
>>>>> builds worked).
>>>>> The problem is that all phases seem to go through (including
>>>>> Test RUN and
>>>>> Reported) but nothing happens.
>>>>> I have attached the stripped down ini file (only with mpich-mx
>>>>> stuff)
>>>>> and output of the command
>>>>> ./client/mtt --scratch /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2 \
>>>>> --file
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-perf-
>>>>> testing_mpich-mx.ini
>>>>> \
>>>>> --debug --verbose --print-time --no-section 'skampi imb osu'
>>>>> I think that it must be something stupid because the almost
>>>>> same script
>>>>> which downloads nightly open mpi build works.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Jelena
>>>>> --
>>>>> Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic -- Pjesa, Ph.D.
>>>>> Graduate Research Assistant
>>>>> Innovative Computing Laboratory
>>>>> Computer Science Department, UTK
>>>>> Claxton Complex 350
>>>>> (865) 974 - 6722 (865) 974 - 6321
>>>>> jpjesiva_at_[hidden]
>>>>> "The only difference between a problem and a solution is that
>>>>> people understand the solution."
>>>>> -- Charles Kettering
>>>> Content-Description: simplified ini file
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Generic OMPI core performance testing template configuration
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [MTT]
>>>>> # Leave this string so that we can identify this data subset in
>>>>> the
>>>>> # database
>>>>> # OMPI Core: Use a "test" label until we're ready to run real
>>>>> results
>>>>> description = [testbake]
>>>>> #description = [2007 collective performance bakeoff]
>>>>> # OMPI Core: Use the "trial" flag until we're ready to run real
>>>>> results
>>>>> trial = 1
>>>>> # Put other values here as relevant to your environment.
>>>>> #hostfile = PBS_NODEFILE
>>>>> hostfile = /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Lock]
>>>>> # Put values here as relevant to your environment.
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # MPI get phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [MPI get: MPICH-MX]
>>>>> mpi_details = MPICH-MX
>>>>> module = AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> alreadyinstalled_dir = /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>>> alreadyinstalled_version = 1.2.7
>>>>> #module = Download
>>>>> #download_url =
>>>>> mx_1.2.7..5.tar.gz
>>>>> ## You need to obtain the username and password from Myricom
>>>>> #download_username = <OBTAIN THIS FROM MYRICOM>
>>>>> #download_password = <OBTAIN THIS FROM MYRICOM>
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Install MPI phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [MPI install: MPICH-MX]
>>>>> mpi_get = mpich-mx
>>>>> module = MPICH2
>>>>> save_stdout_on_success = 1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 0
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # MPI run details
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [MPI Details: MPICH-MX]
>>>>> # You may need different hostfiles for running by slot/by node.
>>>>> exec = mpirun --machinefile &hostfile() -np &test_np()
>>>>> &test_executable() &test_argv()
>>>>> network = mx
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Test get phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [Test get: netpipe]
>>>>> module = Download
>>>>> download_url =
>>>>> NetPIPE_3.6.2.tar.gz
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test get: osu]
>>>>> module = SVN
>>>>> svn_url =
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test get: imb]
>>>>> module = SVN
>>>>> svn_url =
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test get: skampi]
>>>>> module = SVN
>>>>> svn_url =
>>>>> skampi-5.0.1
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Test build phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [Test build: netpipe]
>>>>> test_get = netpipe
>>>>> save_stdout_on_success = 1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> stderr_save_lines = 100
>>>>> module = Shell
>>>>> shell_build_command = <<EOT
>>>>> make mpi
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test build: osu]
>>>>> test_get = osu
>>>>> save_stdout_on_success = 1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> stderr_save_lines = 100
>>>>> module = Shell
>>>>> shell_build_command = <<EOT
>>>>> make osu_latency osu_bw osu_bibw
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test build: imb]
>>>>> test_get = imb
>>>>> save_stdout_on_success = 1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> module = Shell
>>>>> shell_build_command = <<EOT
>>>>> cd src
>>>>> make clean IMB-MPI1
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test build: skampi]
>>>>> test_get = skampi
>>>>> save_stdout_on_success = 1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> stderr_save_lines = 100
>>>>> module = Shell
>>>>> shell_build_command = <<EOT
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Test Run phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [Test run: netpipe]
>>>>> test_build = netpipe
>>>>> pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
>>>>> # Timeout hueristic: 10 minutes
>>>>> timeout = 10:00
>>>>> save_stdout_on_pass = 1
>>>>> # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results
>>>>> could be lost!
>>>>> stdout_save_lines = -1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> np = 2
>>>>> alloc = node
>>>>> specify_module = Simple
>>>>> analyze_module = NetPipe
>>>>> simple_pass:tests = NPmpi
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test run: osu]
>>>>> test_build = osu
>>>>> pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
>>>>> # Timeout hueristic: 10 minutes
>>>>> timeout = 10:00
>>>>> save_stdout_on_pass = 1
>>>>> # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results
>>>>> could be lost!
>>>>> stdout_save_lines = -1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> np = 2
>>>>> alloc = node
>>>>> specify_module = Simple
>>>>> analyze_module = OSU
>>>>> simple_pass:tests = osu_bw osu_latency osu_bibw
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test run: imb]
>>>>> test_build = imb
>>>>> pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
>>>>> # Timeout hueristic: 10 minutes
>>>>> timeout = 10:00
>>>>> save_stdout_on_pass = 1
>>>>> # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results
>>>>> could be lost!
>>>>> stdout_save_lines = -1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> np = &env_max_procs()
>>>>> argv = -npmin &test_np() &enumerate("PingPong", "PingPing",
>>>>> "Sendrecv", "Exchange", "Allreduce", "Reduce",
>>>>> "Reduce_scatter", "Allgather", "Allgatherv", "Alltoall",
>>>>> "Bcast", "Barrier")
>>>>> specify_module = Simple
>>>>> analyze_module = IMB
>>>>> simple_pass:tests = src/IMB-MPI1
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> [Test run: skampi]
>>>>> test_build = skampi
>>>>> pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
>>>>> # Timeout hueristic: 10 minutes
>>>>> timeout = 10:00
>>>>> save_stdout_on_pass = 1
>>>>> # Ensure to leave this value as "-1", or performance results
>>>>> could be lost!
>>>>> stdout_save_lines = -1
>>>>> merge_stdout_stderr = 1
>>>>> np = &env_max_procs()
>>>>> argv = -i &find("", "input_files_bakeoff")
>>>>> specify_module = Simple
>>>>> analyze_module = SKaMPI
>>>>> simple_pass:tests = skampi
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> # Reporter phase
>>>>> #=================================================================
>>>>> =====
>>>>> [Reporter: IU database]
>>>>> module = MTTDatabase
>>>>> mttdatabase_realm = OMPI
>>>>> mttdatabase_url =
>>>>> # Change this to be the username and password for your submit
>>>>> user.
>>>>> # Get this from the OMPI MTT administrator.
>>>>> mttdatabase_username = utk
>>>>> mttdatabase_password = utk0mp1mtt
>>>>> # Change this to be some short string identifying your cluster.
>>>>> mttdatabase_platform = grig
>>>>> mttdatabase_debug_filename = mttdb_debug_file_perf
>>>>> mttdatabase_keep_debug_files = 1
>>>>> #-----------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> -----
>>>>> # This is a backup reporter; it also writes results to a local
>>>>> text
>>>>> # file
>>>>> [Reporter: text file backup]
>>>>> module = TextFile
>>>>> textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt
>>>>> textfile_summary_header = <<EOT
>>>>> Hostname: &shell("hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> EOT
>>>>> textfile_summary_footer =
>>>>> textfile_detail_header =
>>>>> textfile_detail_footer =
>>>>> textfile_textwrap = 78
>>>> Content-Description: output of the MTT command
>>>>> Debug is 1, Verbose is 1
>>>>> *** MTT: ./client/mtt --scratch /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2 --file
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-perf-
>>>>> testing_mpich-m
>>>>> x.ini --debug --verbose --print-time --no-section skampi imb osu
>>>>> chdir ./client
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff
>>>>> Copying:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-perf-
>>>>> testing_mpich-
>>>>> mx.ini to /tmp/yy79ezjkh0.ini
>>>>> Reading ini file:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-perf-
>>>>> testing_mpich-
>>>>> mx.ini
>>>>> Validating INI inifile: /tmp/yy79ezjkh0.ini
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi get: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi get: mpich-mx): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi get: mpich-mx): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi install: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi install: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi install: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi details: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi details: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=mpi details: mpich-mx): $section =~ /
>>>>> osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: netpipe): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: netpipe): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: netpipe): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: osu): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: osu): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: osu): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: imb): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: imb): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test get: skampi): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: netpipe): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: netpipe): $section =~ /
>>>>> imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: netpipe): $section =~ /
>>>>> osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: osu): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: osu): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: osu): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: imb): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: imb): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test build: skampi): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: netpipe): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: netpipe): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: netpipe): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: osu): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: osu): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: osu): $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: imb): $section =~ /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: imb): $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=test run: skampi): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: iu database): $section =~ /
>>>>> skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: iu database): $section =~ /
>>>>> imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: iu database): $section =~ /
>>>>> osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: text file backup):
>>>>> $section =~
>>>>> /skampi/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: text file backup):
>>>>> $section =~ /imb/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: regexp (section=reporter: text file backup):
>>>>> $section =~ /osu/i
>>>>> FilterINI: Delete: 0 (del on match: 1, del on mismatch: 0)
>>>>> FilterINI: Final list of sections:
>>>>> [mtt]
>>>>> [lock]
>>>>> [mpi get: mpich-mx]
>>>>> [mpi install: mpich-mx]
>>>>> [mpi details: mpich-mx]
>>>>> [test get: netpipe]
>>>>> [test build: netpipe]
>>>>> [test run: netpipe]
>>>>> [reporter: iu database]
>>>>> [reporter: text file backup]
>>>>> Scratch: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2 (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2 does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff
>>>>> Scratch resolved: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> Value: force
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/test_runs (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/test_runs does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/test_runs/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> Value: funclet_files
>>>>> Value: hostfile
>>>>> Evaluating: /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile
>>>>> Replacing vars from section MTT: /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile
>>>>> Returning: /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile
>>>>>>> Got default hostfile: /home/pjesa/mtt/runs/machinefile,
>>>>>>> max_np: 4
>>>>> Value: hostlist
>>>>> Value: max_np
>>>>> Value: textwrap
>>>>> Value: drain_timeout
>>>>> Value: trim_save_successful
>>>>> Value: trim_save_failed
>>>>> Value: trial
>>>>> Evaluating: 1
>>>>> Replacing vars from section MTT: 1
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 1
>>>>> Returning: 1
>>>>> Value: http_proxy
>>>>> Value: https_proxy
>>>>> Value: ftp_proxy
>>>>> Value: terminate_files
>>>>> Value: before_all_exec
>>>>> Value: before_all_exec_timeout
>>>>> Value: before_all_exec_pass
>>>>> Value: before_each_exec
>>>>> Value: before_each_exec_timeout
>>>>> Value: before_each_exec_pass
>>>>> Value: after_all_exec
>>>>> Value: after_all_exec_timeout
>>>>> Value: after_all_exec_pass
>>>>> Value: after_each_exec
>>>>> Value: after_each_exec_timeout
>>>>> Value: after_each_exec_pass
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Value: log_file
>>>>> Value: logfile
>>>>> *** Reporter initializing
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Evaluating: MTTDatabase
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: MTTDatabase
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: MTTDatabase
>>>>> Returning: MTTDatabase
>>>>>>> Initializing reporter module: MTTDatabase
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::MTTDatabase
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::MTTDatabase::Init(@args)
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_username
>>>>> Evaluating: utk
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: utk
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: utk
>>>>> Returning: utk
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_password
>>>>> Evaluating: utk0mp1mtt
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: utk0mp1mtt
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: utk0mp1mtt
>>>>> Returning: utk0mp1mtt
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_url
>>>>> Evaluating:
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database:
>>>>> Got final version before escapes:
>>>>> submit/
>>>>> Returning:
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_realm
>>>>> Evaluating: OMPI
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: OMPI
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: OMPI
>>>>> Returning: OMPI
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_email_errors_to
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_debug_filename
>>>>> Evaluating: mttdb_debug_file_perf
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database:
>>>>> mttdb_debug_file_perf
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: mttdb_debug_file_perf
>>>>> Returning: mttdb_debug_file_perf
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_keep_debug_files
>>>>> Evaluating: 1
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: 1
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 1
>>>>> Returning: 1
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_hostname
>>>>> Value: local_username
>>>>> Value: mttdatabase_platform
>>>>> Evaluating: grig
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: iu database: grig
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: grig
>>>>> Returning: grig
>>>>> Set HTTP credentials for realm "OMPI"
>>>>> MTTDatabase getting a client serial number...
>>>>> MTTDatabase trying proxy: / Default (none)
>>>>> MTTDatabase got response:
>>>>> === client_serial = 6320 ===
>>>>> MTTDatabase parsed invocation serial: 6320
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mttdatabase-submit (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mttdatabase-submit does not exist --
>>>>> creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mttdatabase-submit/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> MTTDatabase reporter writing to debug file
>>>>> (/home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mttdatabase-submit/
>>>>> mttdb_debug_file_perf)
>>>>> MTTDatabase reporter initialized (OMPI, utk, XXXXXX,
>>>>>, grig)
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Evaluating: TextFile
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: TextFile
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: TextFile
>>>>> Returning: TextFile
>>>>>>> Initializing reporter module: TextFile
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Init(@args)
>>>>> Value: textfile_summary_header
>>>>> Evaluating: Hostname: &shell("hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: Hostname:
>>>>> &shell("hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Prefix now: Hostname:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): shell("hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Found func name: shell
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "hostname")
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 10)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 10)
>>>>> Found argument: "hostname"
>>>>> --> Remainder:
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("hostname");
>>>>> &shell: got hostname
>>>>> &shell: returning grig-head
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: grig-head
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: grig-head
>>>>> uname: &shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Prefix now: Hostname: grig-head
>>>>> uname:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): shell("uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Found func name: shell
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "uname -a")
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 10)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 10)
>>>>> Found argument: "uname -a"
>>>>> --> Remainder:
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("uname -a");
>>>>> &shell: got uname -a
>>>>> &shell: returning Linux grig-head 2.6.8 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20
>>>>> 17:13:21 EDT 2006
>>>>> x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: Linux grig-head 2.6.8 #1 SMP
>>>>> Fri Oct 20
>>>>> 17:13:21 EDT 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: Linux
>>>>> grig-head
>>>>> 2.6.8 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20 17:13:21 EDT 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>>> Username: &shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Prefix now: Hostname: grig-head
>>>>> uname: Linux grig-head 2.6.8 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20 17:13:21 EDT
>>>>> 2006 x86_64
>>>>> GNU/Linux
>>>>> Username:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): shell("who am i")
>>>>> --> Found func name: shell
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "who am i")
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "who am i")
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "who am i")
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 10)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 10)
>>>>> Found argument: "who am i"
>>>>> --> Remainder:
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::shell("who am i");
>>>>> &shell: got who am i
>>>>> &shell: returning pjesa pts/8 Sep 18 15:45
>>>>> (
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: pjesa pts/8 Sep 18
>>>>> 15:45
>>>>> (
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: pjesa
>>>>> pts/8
>>>>> Sep 18 15:45 (
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: pjesa pts/8 Sep 18 15:45
>>>>> (
>>>>> Returning: Hostname: grig-head
>>>>> uname: Linux grig-head 2.6.8 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20 17:13:21 EDT
>>>>> 2006 x86_64
>>>>> GNU/Linux
>>>>> Username: pjesa pts/8 Sep 18 15:45 (
>>>>> Value: textfile_summary_footer
>>>>> Evaluating:
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup:
>>>>> Got final version before escapes:
>>>>> Returning:
>>>>> Value: textfile_detail_header
>>>>> Value: textfile_detail_footer
>>>>> Value: textfile_textwrap
>>>>> Evaluating: 78
>>>>> Replacing vars from section reporter: text file backup: 78
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 78
>>>>> Returning: 78
>>>>> File reporter initialized (/home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/)
>>>>> *** Reporter initialized
>>>>> Evaluating: &getenv("HOME")/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Prefix now:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): getenv("HOME")/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Found func name: getenv
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "HOME")/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "HOME")/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "HOME")/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 6)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 6)
>>>>> Found argument: "HOME"
>>>>> --> Remainder: /mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::getenv("HOME");
>>>>> &getenv(HOME) returning: /home/pjesa
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: /home/pjesa/mtt-stop
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: /home/pjesa/mtt-stop
>>>>> Returning: /home/pjesa/mtt-stop
>>>>> Evaluating: &scratch_root()/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Prefix now:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): scratch_root()/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Found func name: scratch_root
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: )/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Initial param search: )/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: )/mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 0)
>>>>> Found empty argument
>>>>> --> Remainder: /mtt-stop
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret = MTT::Values::Functions::scratch_root();
>>>>> &scratch_root() returning: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mtt-
>>>>> stop
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mtt-
>>>>> stop
>>>>> Returning: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/mtt-stop
>>>>> *** MPI get phase starting
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>>>> MPI get: [mpi get: mpich-mx]
>>>>> Checking for new MPI sources...
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Evaluating: AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi get: mpich-mx: AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Returning: AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Value: mpi_details
>>>>> Evaluating: MPICH-MX
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi get: mpich-mx: MPICH-MX
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: MPICH-MX
>>>>> Returning: MPICH-MX
>>>>> Value: env_module
>>>>> Value: setenv
>>>>> Value: unsetenv
>>>>> Value: prepend_path
>>>>> Value: append_path
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>> Making dir: mpi_get__mpich-mx (cwd: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/
>>>>> sources)
>>>>> mpi_get__mpich-mx does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir mpi_get__mpich-mx/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources/mpi_get__mpich-mx
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::Get(@args)
>>>>> Value: alreadyinstalled_dir
>>>>> Evaluating: /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi get: mpich-mx: /usr/local/mpich-
>>>>> mx/bin
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>>> Returning: /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>>> Using MPI in: /usr/local/mpich-mx/bin
>>>>> Value: alreadyinstalled_version
>>>>> Evaluating: 1.2.7
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi get: mpich-mx: 1.2.7
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 1.2.7
>>>>> Returning: 1.2.7
>>>>>>> MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled complete
>>>>> Got new MPI sources: version 1.2.7
>>>>> *** MPI get phase complete
>>>>>>> Phase: MPI Get
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:37 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:37 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:00
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:00
>>>>> *** MPI install phase starting
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs
>>>>>>> MPI install [mpi install: mpich-mx]
>>>>> Value: mpi_get
>>>>> Evaluating: mpich-mx
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi install: mpich-mx: mpich-mx
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: mpich-mx
>>>>> Returning: mpich-mx
>>>>> Checking for [mpich-mx] / [1.2.7] / [mpich-mx]
>>>>> Installing MPI: [mpich-mx] / [1.2.7] / [mpich-mx]...
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs
>>>>> Unique directory: CoY6
>>>>> Making dir: CoY6 (cwd: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs)
>>>>> CoY6 does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir CoY6/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Evaluating: MPICH2
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi install: mpich-mx: MPICH2
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: MPICH2
>>>>> Returning: MPICH2
>>>>> Value: description
>>>>> Value: description
>>>>> Evaluating: [testbake]
>>>>> Replacing vars from section MTT: [testbake]
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: [testbake]
>>>>> Returning: [testbake]
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6
>>>>> chdir ..
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6
>>>>> Sym linked: CoY6 to mpich-mx#mpich-mx#1.2.7
>>>>> Value: env_module
>>>>> Value: setenv
>>>>> Value: unsetenv
>>>>> Value: prepend_path
>>>>> Value: append_path
>>>>> Value: configure_arguments
>>>>> Value: vpath_mode
>>>>> Value: make_all_arguments
>>>>> Value: make_check
>>>>> Value: compiler_name
>>>>> Value: compiler_version
>>>>> Value: save_stdout_on_success
>>>>> Evaluating: 1
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi install: mpich-mx: 1
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 1
>>>>> Returning: 1
>>>>> Value: merge_stdout_stderr
>>>>> Evaluating: 0
>>>>> Replacing vars from section mpi install: mpich-mx: 0
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 0
>>>>> Returning: 0
>>>>> Value: stderr_save_lines
>>>>> Value: stdout_save_lines
>>>>> Running command: rm -rf src
>>>>> Command complete, exit status: 0
>>>>> Making dir: src (cwd: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6)
>>>>> src does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir src/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/src
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret =
>>>>> &MTT::MPI::Get::AlreadyInstalled::PrepareForInstall(@args)
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/src
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/src
>>>>> Making dir: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/install (cwd:
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/src)
>>>>> /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/install does not exist
>>>>> -- creating
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/install/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs/CoY6/src
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::MPI::Install::MPICH2
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::MPI::Install::MPICH2::Install(@args)
>>>>> Value: mpich2_make_all_arguments
>>>>> Value: mpich2_compiler_name
>>>>> Value: bitness
>>>>> Evaluating: &get_mpi_install_bitness("")
>>>>> --> Prefix now:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): get_mpi_install_bitness("")
>>>>> --> Found func name: get_mpi_install_bitness
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "")
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "")
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "")
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 2)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 2)
>>>>> Found argument: ""
>>>>> --> Remainder:
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret =
>>>>> MTT::Values::Functions::get_mpi_install_bitness("");
>>>>> &get_mpi_intall_bitness
>>>>> &_find_libmpi returning:
>>>>> Couldn't find libmpi!
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: 0
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 0
>>>>> Returning: 0
>>>>> Value: endian
>>>>> Evaluating: &get_mpi_install_endian("")
>>>>> --> Prefix now:
>>>>> --> Remaining (after &): get_mpi_install_endian("")
>>>>> --> Found func name: get_mpi_install_endian
>>>>> --> Found beginning of arguments: "")
>>>>> --> Initial param search: "")
>>>>> --> Loop: trimmed search: "")
>>>>> --> Examining char: " (pos 0)
>>>>> --> Found beginning quote
>>>>> --> Found last quote
>>>>> --> Examining char: ) (pos 2)
>>>>> --> Found end of arg (pos 2)
>>>>> Found argument: ""
>>>>> --> Remainder:
>>>>> --> Calling: $ret =
>>>>> MTT::Values::Functions::get_mpi_install_endian("");
>>>>> &get_mpi_intall_endian
>>>>> &_find_libmpi returning:
>>>>> *** Could not find libmpi to calculate endian-ness
>>>>> --> After eval(string), remaining: 0
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: 0
>>>>> Returning: 0
>>>>> Found whatami: /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/client/
>>>>> whatami/whatami
>>>>> Value: platform_type
>>>>> Value: platform_type
>>>>> Value: platform_hardware
>>>>> Value: platform_hardware
>>>>> Value: os_name
>>>>> Value: os_name
>>>>> Value: os_version
>>>>> Value: os_version
>>>>> Skipped MPI install
>>>>> *** MPI install phase complete
>>>>>>> Phase: MPI Install
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:37 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:38 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:01
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:01
>>>>> *** Test get phase starting
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>>>> Test get: [test get: netpipe]
>>>>> Checking for new test sources...
>>>>> Value: module
>>>>> Evaluating: Download
>>>>> Replacing vars from section test get: netpipe: Download
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: Download
>>>>> Returning: Download
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>> Making dir: test_get__netpipe (cwd: /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/
>>>>> sources)
>>>>> test_get__netpipe does not exist -- creating
>>>>> chdir test_get__netpipe/
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/sources/test_get__netpipe
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::Test::Get::Download
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Test::Get::Download::Get(@args)
>>>>> Value: download_url
>>>>> Evaluating:
>>>>> NetPIPE_3.6.2.tar.gz
>>>>> Replacing vars from section test get: netpipe:
>>>>> Got final version before escapes:
>>>>> Returning:
>>>>> NetPIPE_3.6.2.tar.gz
>>>>>>> Download got url:
>>>>> Value: download_username
>>>>> Value: download_password
>>>>>>> MTT::FindProgram::FindProgram returning /usr/bin/wget
>>>>> Running command: wget -nv
>>>>> OUT:22:39:55
>>>>> URL:
>>>>> NetPIPE_3.6.2.tar.gz
>>>>> [369585/369585] -> "NetPIPE_3.6.2.tar.gz" [1]
>>>>> Command complete, exit status: 0
>>>>> Value: download_version
>>>>>>> Download complete
>>>>> Got new test sources
>>>>> *** Test get phase complete
>>>>>>> Phase: Test Get
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:38 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:17
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:18
>>>>> *** Test build phase starting
>>>>> chdir /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2/installs
>>>>>>> Test build [test build: netpipe]
>>>>> Value: test_get
>>>>> Evaluating: netpipe
>>>>> Replacing vars from section test build: netpipe: netpipe
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: netpipe
>>>>> Returning: netpipe
>>>>> *** Test build phase complete
>>>>>>> Phase: Test Build
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:00
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:18
>>>>> *** Run test phase starting
>>>>>>> Test run [netpipe]
>>>>> Value: test_build
>>>>> Evaluating: netpipe
>>>>> Replacing vars from section test run: netpipe: netpipe
>>>>> Got final version before escapes: netpipe
>>>>> Returning: netpipe
>>>>> *** Run test phase complete
>>>>>>> Phase: Test Run
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:00
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:18
>>>>>>> Phase: Trim
>>>>> Started: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Stopped: Thu Sep 27 22:39:55 2007
>>>>> Elapsed: 00:00:00
>>>>> Total elapsed: 00:00:18
>>>>> *** Reporter finalizing
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::MTTDatabase
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::MTTDatabase::Finalize(@args)
>>>>> Evaluating: require MTT::Reporter::TextFile
>>>>> Evaluating: $ret = &MTT::Reporter::TextFile::Finalize(@args)
>>>>> *** Reporter finalized
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>>> mtt-users_at_[hidden]
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> mtt-users mailing list
>>>> mtt-users_at_[hidden]
>> --
>> Mohamad Chaarawi
>> Instructional Assistant
>> Department of Computer Science University of Houston
>> 4800 Calhoun, PGH Room 526 Houston, TX 77204, USA
>> _______________________________________________
>> mtt-users mailing list
>> mtt-users_at_[hidden]
> --
> Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic -- Pjesa, Ph.D.
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Innovative Computing Laboratory
> Computer Science Department, UTK
> Claxton Complex 350
> (865) 974 - 6722
> (865) 974 - 6321
> jpjesiva_at_[hidden]
> "The only difference between a problem and a solution is that
> people understand the solution."
> -- Charles Kettering
> _______________________________________________
> mtt-users mailing list
> mtt-users_at_[hidden]

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems