From: Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic (pjesa_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-27 22:46:55


I am trying to test the MPICH-MX using MTT on our clusters and I am
hitting the wall.
I was able to get Open MPI to run (did not try trunk yet - but nightly
builds worked).

The problem is that all phases seem to go through (including Test RUN and
Reported) but nothing happens.
I have attached the stripped down ini file (only with mpich-mx stuff)
and output of the command

    ./client/mtt --scratch /home/pjesa/mtt/scratch2 \
    --file /home/pjesa/mtt/collective-bakeoff/samples/ompi-core-perf-testing_mpich-mx.ini \
    --debug --verbose --print-time --no-section 'skampi imb osu'

I think that it must be something stupid because the almost same script
which downloads nightly open mpi build works.

Jelena Pjesivac-Grbovic -- Pjesa, Ph.D.
Graduate Research Assistant
Innovative Computing Laboratory
Computer Science Department, UTK
Claxton Complex 350
(865) 974 - 6722
(865) 974 - 6321

"The only difference between a problem and a solution is that
  people understand the solution."
                                       -- Charles Kettering