From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-21 17:03:09

On Sep 21, 2007, at 4:48 PM, Mohamad Chaarawi wrote:

> in their make.* file however when they set LIB they had
> -L${OPEN_IB_LIB} ${BLCR_LIB} ${RDMA_CM_LIBS} -libverbs -libumad -
> lpthread
> i tried using the variables instead of hardcoding the
> (/usr/local/ofed/lib64), but it wouldn't translate them.
> mvapich2_setenv = LIBS -L${OPEN_IB_LIB} ${BLCR_LIB} ${RDMA_CM_LIBS}
> -libverbs -lpthread
> is there a way for setenv to do as they did with export?

I think you'll need to fill in whatever the values of ${OPEN_IB_LIB}
and friends are (I think those values are local to their script).
BLCR is the checkpoint/restart lib, so I think you can leave that out.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems