From: Ethan Mallove (ethan.mallove_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-17 16:06:26


Here is a run of "osu" test results that did not seem
to register any latency_bandwidth data:

Below is the mttdatabase debug file. Could the
Analyze/ module is getting flummoxed by the warnings
that precede the actual performance data tables?

  $VAR1 = {
            'duration_1' => '71 seconds',
            'mpi_install_section_name_1' => 'developer',
            'environment_2' => '',
            'hostname' => 'fog01',
            'result_stdout_1' => 'warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  # OSU MPI Bandwidth Test (Version 2.1)
  # Size Bandwidth (MB/s)
  1 0.395771
  2 0.782770
  4 1.554345
  8 2.796567
  16 6.600534
  32 13.161827
  64 23.404541
  128 43.974274
  256 87.473876
  512 161.514271
  1024 218.590781
  2048 224.491837
  4096 229.415259
  8192 238.724045
  16384 243.492486
  32768 244.995704
  65536 245.507191
  131072 232.206820
  262144 201.486492
  524288 182.285115
  1048576 163.190881
  2097152 170.839062
  4194304 166.220132
            'launcher_1' => 'mpirun',
            'launcher_3' => 'mpirun',
            'resource_manager_2' => 'unknown',
            'np_1' => '16',
            'description_2' => undef,
            'command_1' => 'mpirun -mca pml cm -mca mtl mx -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mx/lib --host fog01,fog02,fog03,fog04,fog05,fog06,fog07,fog08 -np 16 --prefix /home/paklui/paklui-1.2-pml/shared-install osu_bw ',
            'test_result_1' => 1,
            'exit_value_3' => 0,
            'result_stderr_2' => undef,
            'network_1' => '',
            'mpi_version' => '1.2.4b1r16122M',
            'test_build_section_name_2' => 'osu',
            'parameters_3' => '',
            'result_stderr_3' => undef,
            'duration_3' => '108 seconds',
            'number_of_results' => '3',
            'phase' => 'Test Run',
            'exit_signal_3' => -1,
            'parameters_2' => '',
            'parameters_1' => '',
            'start_timestamp_3' => 'Mon Sep 17 18:54:35 2007',
            'variant_3' => 1,
            'result_message_1' => 'Passed',
            'test_name_1' => 'osu_bw',
            'result_message_2' => 'Passed',
            'result_message_3' => 'Passed',
            'variant_2' => 1,
            'fields' => 'command,description,duration,environment,exit_signal,exit_value,launcher,mpi_install_section_name,mpi_name,mpi_version,network,np,parameters,phase,resource_manager,result_message,result_stderr,result_stdout,start_timestamp,test_build_id,test_build_section_name,test_name,test_result,variant',
            'exit_value_2' => 0,
            'exit_signal_2' => -1,
            'test_name_2' => 'osu_latency',
            'resource_manager_1' => 'unknown',
            'command_3' => 'mpirun -mca pml cm -mca mtl mx -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mx/lib --host fog01,fog02,fog03,fog04,fog05,fog06,fog07,fog08 -np 16 --prefix /home/paklui/paklui-1.2-pml/shared-install osu_bibw ',
            'test_build_section_name_3' => 'osu',
            'trial' => 0,
            'mpi_name' => 'developer',
            'duration_2' => '13 seconds',
            'description_1' => undef,
            'test_name_3' => 'osu_bibw',
            'exit_value_1' => 0,
            'start_timestamp_1' => 'Mon Sep 17 18:53:11 2007',
            'environment_1' => '',
            'result_stdout_3' => 'warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  # OSU MPI Bidirectional Bandwidth Test (Version 2.1)
  # Size Bi-Bandwidth (MB/s)
  1 0.387445
  2 0.777100
  4 1.656051
  8 3.309626
  16 6.634281
  32 13.279331
  64 23.694901
  128 44.994681
  256 82.401900
  512 155.905137
  1024 303.218196
  2048 383.744225
  4096 430.012409
  8192 462.876255
  16384 480.684461
  32768 485.238770
  65536 472.589674
  131072 277.318527
  262144 306.109573
  524288 226.592213
  1048576 261.033587
  2097152 264.315791
  4194304 188.471704
            'test_build_section_name_1' => 'osu',
            'mpi_install_section_name_3' => 'developer',
            'result_stderr_1' => undef,
            'platform_name' => 'fog01',
            'exit_signal_1' => -1,
            'network_2' => '',
            'test_build_id' => 52047,
            'client_serial' => '3939',
            'np_3' => '16',
            'test_result_3' => 1,
            'environment_3' => '',
            'test_result_2' => 1,
            'np_2' => '16',
            'result_stdout_2' => 'warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  warning:regcache incompatible with malloc
  # OSU MPI Latency Test (Version 2.1)
  # Size Latency (us)
  0 4.84
  1 5.06
  2 5.07
  4 5.06
  8 5.07
  16 5.13
  32 5.15
  64 5.93
  128 6.47
  256 8.64
  512 10.40
  1024 13.65
  2048 18.16
  4096 27.26
  8192 46.41
  16384 85.18
  32768 156.52
  65536 331.39
  131072 609.71
  262144 1169.93
  524288 2292.13
  1048576 4553.35
  2097152 9060.36
  4194304 18122.39
            'mpi_install_section_name_2' => 'developer',
            'network_3' => '',
            'command_2' => 'mpirun -mca pml cm -mca mtl mx -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mx/lib --host fog01,fog02,fog03,fog04,fog05,fog06,fog07,fog08 -np 16 --prefix /home/paklui/paklui-1.2-pml/shared-install osu_latency ',
            'start_timestamp_2' => 'Mon Sep 17 18:54:22 2007',
            'mtt_client_version' => '2.1devel',
            'resource_manager_3' => 'unknown',
            'description_3' => undef,
            'variant_1' => 1,
            'local_username' => 'paklui',
            'launcher_2' => 'mpirun'
