From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-02-24 07:32:52

At the UTK meeting, a few organizations indicated to me that being
able to run MTT over a developer's tree is getting to be a higher
priority. So I'd like to ask the developer community exactly what
you want.

MTT is a highly flexible system with lots of available options. I'm
*guessing* that developers don't really want all that flexibility --
you just want to run a simple thingy against your development tree
and get a simple text report at the end indicating "passed" or "failed".

However, at least *some* flexibility is going to be required -- every
developer will need to run the tests a different way (different MCA
parameters, different number of processes, different set of
tests, ...etc.).

It would be most helpful to Ethan and me if the developers could send
us their thoughts on what you want out of MTT to be able to run
against your local development trees. Here are some suggestions:

1. A list of desired use-case scenarios (the more detailed, the better)

2. A list of desired outputs (the more detailed -- to include sample
outputs you'd like to see -- the better)

3. How the flexibility should be effected (command line? text config
file? ...?)

4. Suggested [default] list of tests to run (trivial? and/or intel?
and/or ibm? and/or ...?)

5. Anything else you can think of.


Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems