From: Tim Mattox (timattox_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-08 12:34:37

It would help us here at IU for MTT as well if the tarball generation was a
little earlier each day. 9pm Indiana/Eastern time would be good I think.
That would make it 6pm West coast time... Does that work for
the West coasters? or should we do 10pm Eastern/7pm West?
Gleb, George, hpcstork, as three that I know do svn commits outside the typical
US workday, how would this affect you?

Maybe we could make the non-trunk tarballs even earlier, since
the gatekeepers would know when we were "done for the day".
What time would Sun need to have the 1.2 tarballs ready
for them to do their MTT runs? 7pm Eastern?

I can work on making the tarball generation go more quickly,
but I suspect I can't get it reliably faster than 1 hour, especially if
we have changes on all three branches (trunk, v1.1, v1.2).
I have some ideas on how to speed it up though from it's
current 2 hour span. One of the ideas, is to have the v1.2 (and maybe v1.1)
tarballs be built earlier, so that we only have one tarball to build
at the designated time.

As for doing multiple builds per day, I am a bit apposed to doing that
on a regular basis, for two reasons:
1) It takes time & resources (both human and computer) per tarball
for testing, and to look at the results from the testing. One set per
day seems at the moment to be what we as a group can currently handle.
2) If we have different groups testing from different tarball sets,
then it would become harder to aggregate the testing results,
since we would not necessarily be testing the same tarball.

On 11/8/06, Jeff Squyres <jsquyres_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I'm wondering if it's worthwhile to either a) move back the nightly
> tarball generation to, say, 9pm US Indiana time or b) perhaps make
> the tarballs at multiple times during the day.
> Since we're doing more and more testing, it seems like we need more
> time to do it before the 9am reports. Right now, we're pretty
> limited to starting at about 2am (to guarantee that the tarballs have
> finished building). If you start before then, you could be testing a
> tarball that's about a day old.
> This was happening to sun, for example, who (I just found out) starts
> their testing at 7pm because they have limited time and access to
> resources (starting at 7pm lets them finish all their testing by 9am).
> So what do people think about my proposals from above? Either 9pm,
> or perhaps make them every 6 hours throughout the day.
> --
> Jeff Squyres
> Server Virtualization Business Unit
> Cisco Systems
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Tim Mattox -
 tmattox_at_[hidden] || timattox_at_[hidden]
    I'm a bright...