From: Ethan Mallove (ethan.mallove_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-10-31 14:47:34

FYI - in the, you can check the "SQL"
checkbox to see the raw SQL queries. Here's the "Odin" query
showing the SQL:

You can modify and play around with those on the live
database, e.g.:

$ echo "... some SQL ... " | psql -d mtt -U iu

I also like the pg_dump command. E.g., view the live schema:

$ pg_dump -s -d mtt -U iu


> >
> > Basically our problems are:
> > - Testing results come in at various times as they complete, we
> > would really like a 'status report' at 8 am every day finished or not.
> For now, could you load up this webpage everyday at 8am?