From: Ethan A Mallove - Sun Microsystems (Ethan.Mallove_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-09-05 10:19:34

Josh Hursey wrote On 09/05/06 10:04,:
> On Sep 5, 2006, at 8:43 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>IU / HLRS -- How's it going? I see a bunch of submits from you
>>guys in the
>>database, so I assume things are running smoothly. But let me know
>>one way
>>or another.
> IU is setup and running on our Odin cluster.
> Nightly we run 8 nodes (16 procs):
> trunk,v1.2 (gcc)
> IBM,Trivial,Intel,IMB
> Currently just using tcp,self (due to some cluster mgmt issues)
> Weekly we run 32 nodes (64 procs):
> Same configuration as the nightly
> We are still doing some local debugging (not MTT issues really, just
> cluster stuff) so commits to the MTT DB may come a bit more
> frequently now then they would normally.
> We may have some other clusters coming online in the future, but we
> can't give specifics at the moment.
> I have been putting any bugs I see into Trac as they popup (sorry for
> duplicates).
> It seems that the DB 'cleans' itself every so often. Meaning that I
> notice that runs from a week or so ago are no longer in the summary
> page. Is this true? How often does it do this?

summary.php only shows results from yesterday through "now". The data submitted
before that is not deleted, just not shown. We have a drill-down tool in the
works which will allow for more flexibility wrt a bunch of parameters.

> Cheers for all the hard work. This is looking really nice and useful.

That's what we like to hear - thanks!


> -- Josh
>>We have a bunch of improvements waiting in the wings:
>>1. The version that you are using makes N connections to the IU web
>>to submit N results (i.e., one connection per result). This is not a
>>problem for many people, but I kept getting cutoff by the Cisco web
>>because they thought MTT was a worm. So I implemented "bulk submit",
>>meaning that results are gathered up (essentially a test run
>>section at a
>>time) and submitted in one connection to the database. Not only
>>does this
>>make MTT not look like a worm, it's a bit more efficient (which is
>>not a
>>necessarily primary concern, but it is a Good Thing).
>>We need to coordinate when to deploy this to you because it affects
>>both the
>>"mtt" client and the PHP at the URL that you are submitting to. More
>>details to come on this. I realize that you guys apparently don't
>>this, but a) I do, and b) others might when we deploy MTT to the
>>2. Various bug fixes have been committed to the release branch over
>>the last
>>week as a direct result of your feedback. Keep the comments coming!
>>3. Sun is actively working on reporting the data in spiffy web
>>pages. Stay
>>tuned on this front.
>>Jeff Squyres
>>Server Virtualization Business Unit
>>Cisco Systems
>>mtt-users mailing list
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