From: Andrew Friedley (afriedle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-29 01:10:22

Jeff Squyres (jsquyres) wrote:
> Andrew --
> I think that I have this straight, but before I dive deep into this, I
> just wanted to confirm with you to make sure I'm right.
> - I know you sent one before, but I've made a mess of managing huge
> volumes of mail with Outlook, and I can't find the example you sent of
> the format that perfbase is expecting for all the test run results. Can
> you send the example again? This is the send-all-the-results-at-once
> vs. send-one-result-at-a-time issue.

I can't find it, is this recent or from a long time ago?

> - Apache is going to have a max upload size (2MB? I always forget what
> milliways is configured for). The client will need to be able to split
> up results that are larger than this. This has two implications:
> 1. If a single report is larger than this size (e.g., if the output from
> an "install MPI" phase is larger than the max upload size), Badness will
> ensure. I don't quite know how to handle this.

Make the max upload size bigger :)

> 2. In the test run phase, given that we're switching to sending all the
> output from each test individually to sending them all at once, if the
> total size of a given report is larger than the max limit, can I
> arbitrarily split up the output results and send them in <max_size
> chunks? (preserving header/data groupings, of course) I'm assuming
> yes, but just wanted to make sure.

Not sure. I think this will work, but it should be avoided. With how
things are now, this is going to generate a run per submission, and the
whole point of sending test results all at once is to consolidate them
into one run. Not the best, but not the end of the world either.

Though I think it's possible for us to collect several files on the
server side before submitting them to perfbase as one single run.
Problem is, that's going to be a lot of work on the server side.

Depending on how the apache limit is enforced, this would involve
writing files to storage or preserving the data between HTTP POSTs in
some way.
