From: Andrew Friedley (afriedle_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-13 12:50:33

On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 03:42:14PM -0400, Ethan Mallove wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Is there a way to test multiple test configurations from a single
> workspace simultaneously in MTT? For example, I want to run a set of
> tests on i386 and sparc at the same time from a single testing
> workspace. Looking at the sample.ini file, it seems like this could be
> done using multiple .ini files and setting each "copydir" in each to run
> in a different workspace to avoid conflicts amongst multiple instances
> of MTT.

Jeff - correct me if I'm wrong here.

I would just use the --scratch parameter to MTT itself and have two
separate scratch spaces for i386 and sparc, though it sounds like you
don't want that.

Using copydir should work as long as you are careful to keep i386 and
sparc binaries from being mixed up. Jeff can answer better, but you
will also need to be careful about having two MTT runs working in the
same scratch space, as I don't think we do anything to handle this.


> It turns out that this is a limitation of TET (I think). Right now, in
> order to do the above I have to create a separate testing area for each
> testing configuration (e.g., sparc, i386, solaris 10, solaris 11, ...)
> to avoid multiple TET's from interfering with each other.
> -Ethan
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