From: Jeff Squyres \(jsquyres\) (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-04-10 07:25:41

Guys --

Just to let you know, the status of the code base hasn't changed in
quite a while. I'm still halfway through updating the phases to the new
scheme that we agreed upon at the IU meeting. However, I do plan to
return to finishing this -- potentially before I go to LANL (although
that's looking somewhat doubtful). Since we're branching for v1.1 in
the Very Near Future, this should give me the opportunity to finish work
in the main code base and then spend some time on MTT and get it
functional [enough].

Also welcome to Rolf Vandevaart -- the guy who is always tapped to do QA
things at Sun for their MPI. As you know, Sun is joining the group;
they were persistent in asking to look at MTT, and despite all my strong
disclaimers (including: the code in SVN doesn't currently work, there's
no documentation, etc.), he wanted to see the code. :-) I spent a
while with him on the phone on Friday going over the general scheme of

So I added Rolf's account to the MTT checkout, and he's on this list --
he'll probably be asking us questions.

Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems