Subject: [OMPI docs] Small note about MPI_Buffer_detach
From: Maximilian (maxinator333_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-02-20 09:00:38


I understand, that MPI_Buffer_detach returns the buffer address in buf.
For that I do understand the C++ syntax:
     int Detach_buffer(void*& buffer)
which is a call by reference of a void*. But I find the C-Syntax misleading:
     int MPI_Buffer_detach(void *buf, int *size)
Here a void pointer is given. It could be thought that the void* to the
buffer is copied to that function, meaning there would be no return of
the buffer address. I think it should read:
     int MPI_Buffer_detach(void **buf, int *size)
for that reason.