Subject: [OMPI docs] Defining an Authoring Environment
From: Richard Friedman (rchrd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-11-27 15:43:16

I'd like to recommend using (OOo) as an authoring environment.

For one thing, there are many output options, including open document text format (.odt) as well as DocBook xml, html, and pdf.

And, I believe there are already a number of usable book/article templates available that we can use.

My concern is that we come up with an agreeable authoring environment as soon as possible so we can get started developing content.

If we generate source in .xml, we can convert to PDF and html using OOo.

Seems like a quick way to get started.

How does that sound?

You can download free distros of OOo from the site. I've been experimenting with the download for Solaris x86 on my laptop and it seems to work just fine.

Comments? Opinions?