From: Jeff Squyres (jsquyres_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-20 16:50:12

On Sep 20, 2007, at 1:08 AM, Amit Kumar Saha wrote:

> I was wondering if the Open MPI docs could have a structure similar to
> the NetBeans Community Docs
> (
> My reasons for feeling the same:
> 1. Wiki style editing makes publishing docs easy
> 2. We could also make provision for easily printable formats like PDF
> If such a structure is not capable of being "standalone", then may be
> we can have this supplementing the actual Open MPI docs project.

Richard has some excellent thoughts about document formatting -- as
he mentioned in his e-mail, he leans towards DITA stuff (which I'm
only barely familiar with). He sent me some URL's for reference on
this stuff before, and I've asked him to re-send them to the list.

The Big Issue with DITA is that it allows us a lot of flexibility --
more so than a wiki:

- composition of the document -- mixing and matching sections/
- allowing 3rd party / sub-Open MPI distributors to insert / remove
selected content while staying up to date with the main document
(e.g., Cisco distributes Open MPI, but we have our own text that we
add in for documentation)
- ...a bunch of other nice properties that Richard can expound upon :-)

> Also, as far as the managing is concerned, we could have a Community
> Manager who will be in charge of making sure that we have quality docs
> on the wiki. To assist the manager, we can have co-ordinators who will
> play the role of spreading a word and getting more contributions for
> the Open MPI docs.

This is probably also a good idea -- having some kind of coordination
mesiter who ties it all together. We have the same concept on the
code side (release managers for a given release series).

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems