From: jody (jody.xha_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-09-18 05:38:32

Hi all

I was just wondering how we'll start this documentation.
I think to begin with, we need something like a table of contents.

I guess some areas we should cover are
- general introduction to the MPI model
- about MPI implementations
- about the structure of OpenMPI - brief explanation of orte, mca, opal etc
- installing OpenMPI (much can be taken from the FAQ)
  This should include good descriptions of all parameters for the
configure command
  as well as sections for systems with particular ways for installation
- compiling OpenMPI (much can be taken from the FAQ)
- running OpenMPI (much can be taken from the FAQ)
- tuning OpenMPI performance

Perhaps something like a tutorial would be useful:
Designing, implementing and running a simple but nnon-trivial
MPI-application, introducing some of the basic MPI commands.

Any other ideas?
Should we also include a MPI-reference or should we simply
refer to the man-pages or the books?
